The center of global R&D innovation
dedicated to a healthier world
Promoting innovative novel drug R&D with unparalleled capabilities Learn more
A great place to work
A company with superior business capability
Fostering global talents based on our corporate philosophy:
'The growth of employees will lead to the growth of the company.'
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Take a leap towards a global healthcare group with differentiated networks
Daewoong Pharmaceutical,
expanding from an Asian biohub to Worldwide reach
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Realizing sustainable values
to enhance the well-being of individuals and society
Beyond the dream of becoming a leading nation in medicine,
we are creating a future where both people and the Earth are healthy
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Daewoong Pharmaceutical focuses on developing and producing high-value products through world-class biotechnology And continuous R&D

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in class new
drug development
1. Global innovative new drugs
2. First/Best in class new drug development
3. Procure new pipelines through open collaboration
Development of
stem cell treatment medicine
1. Developing smart stem cell treatment
2. Nabota life cycle extension
3. Bio Mecca manifestation in Indonesia
1. Release long-acting injection
2. Releasing improved new drugs (compounds, western) continuously
3. Procuring platform technologies through open collaboration
Expanding the
scope of external R&D
1. Finding future-oriented prospective technologies
2. Procuring new pipeline through C&D
3. Maximizing future values with the optimal business model

Global Network

As a global healthcare group that focuses on improving quality of life, we offer total solutions through the most meaningful methods

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  • Has the highest overseas sales among other Korean pharmaceutical companies 8
  • Establishes new pharmaceutical network through 4 R&D centers 4
  • Over 100 global partnerships 100+
  • Operates 3 global production networks 3

Company Culture

We grow together with our employees through a flexible and creative corporate culture that maximizes work efficiency

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Smart Office
Daewoong employees can freely choose where they wish to work.
A pleasant work space is offered for flexible and fun working environment.
Flexible Work Program
Daewoong employees are free to choose when to come and leave the office without having to be conscious of others.
CDP(Career Development Program)
Employees are offered the opportunity to work at various departments of their choice for their growth and development.
Global Outstanding Talent Program
We offer educational support for local language and cultures to grow into global human resources. Overseas branch trips and experience work are programs that support global mindset and professional capacity empowerment.